Pregnancy Concerns

Smoking, Illicit drugs, and Alcohol

All of these increase the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, smaller babies, premature babies, developmental delays, and other serious complications. All of these substances should be stopped as soon as possible. Let us know if you need help.


Low risk patients are generally discouraged from traveling after 28 weeks of pregnancy. High risk patients are generally discouraged from traveling after 24 weeks. The act of traveling itself is not harmful to the baby. However, obstetrical problems can and do occur with no warning at all. Therefore, any travel during pregnancy is considered to be at your own risk. It is important to be seen prior to traveling and to request a copy of your records to take with you in case of an emergency. If traveling by car, it is important to stop every 2-3 hours for stretching, fluids, and a chance to stimulate your circulation.

Hair treatments

Because of the lack of scientific studies on the effects of chemical treatments on your hair, we must advise that you do it at your own risk.

Cat Litter Box

Avoid cat litter and soil. These may contain toxoplasmosis, a harmful parasite. Your cat is safe, but the litter may not be. Do not change cat litter while pregnant. When gardening, wear rubber gloves and wash fruits and vegetables well.

Dental Care

It is very important to continue with routine dental care during pregnancy. If something more serious arises, you can receive Novocain injections but not gas analgesia. Dental X-rays are permitted after 14 weeks with an abdominal shield.


Water is an important nutrient in a good diet. However, it cannot be stressed enough that during pregnancy water is essential. Without a large increase in water, pregnant women will be dehydrated. It is critical for decreasing constipation, preventing preterm contractions, decreasing swelling, and preventing dizziness. We recommend that you drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Sea Food

Certain fish contain increased levels of mercury. Fish to avoid include: swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel, and marlin. Safe fish to eat include: salmon, sardines, tilapia, shrimp, scallops, clams and cooked oysters. Canned tuna, mahi mahi, and sea bass should be limited to once a week. All fish and sea food that you eat must be cooked.


Intercourse is safe during pregnancy. Exceptions to this are vaginal bleeding, ruptured membranes, multiple gestation, or premature labor.